This can look like staying up late while working on a graphic to then feel frustrated because you don’t even know how to post it.
All the while you wonder how you can run a business and do consistent digital marketing at the same time!
(We see you. We feel you. We get you.)
You didn’t sign up to run a digital marketing business, but in today’s world of technology, an online presence is almost non-negotiable for most businesses.
Whether you want to learn the ropes of digital marketing or hire someone to do it for you, we have 3 digital marketing mindset tips to set you up for long term success.
3 Digital Marketing Mindset Tips for Long Term Success
If you don’t know by now,
digital marketing can be a beast.
It’s simple to think posting graphics and writing words are easy to do.
You see it every day on social media—if so and so can do it, you can, too, is what most people think.
And then you try and do it and realize so much more goes into a beautiful graphic and words that connect and help people understand a product or service.
There are
strategy and psychology and optimization and consistency…oh my!
This is the point where most business owners throw in the digital marketing towel.
But you don’t have to if you can remember these 3 marketing mindset tips.
If you retain nothing else, don’t forget this one thing: digital marketing is a marathon, not a sprint.
It’s easy to lose sight of a goal or think what you’re doing isn’t worth it when you create content that may not garner the attention you thought it deserved.
But don’t let that stop you.
It’s not the one blog, or the one social media post, or the
beautiful website—it’s the long game of showing up every day online for your audience and customers—because that is what allows people to get to know you, like you, and eventually trust you.
And that’s what consumers are looking for—a business and brand they can trust.
Marketing is a lot like science in the way of experimentation.
What works for one, may not work for another.
And the only way to find out is by testing it.
Maybe video works better for you.
Maybe Facebook is where your audience is (not Instagram).
You’ll never know what works for your company unless you
Just remember to follow the experimentation long enough for analytics to let you know if it’s a green, yellow, or hard red light.
The digital marketing landscape moves quickly, and things rarely stay the same.
Sometimes what worked for marketing Monday morning has changed by Friday afternoon. (We’re looking at you, algorithms.)
Stay open to change (whatever that looks like) and your brain and mental health will thank you for it.
digital marketing mindset is just as crucial to long term success as your digital marketing strategy and goals.
Maintain your big picture vision and keep showing up—even if that eventually means hiring someone to do it for you!
Need extra hands to help your business succeed with digital marketing?
Give IntegrityTek a call today—we love giving you your time back to do the things you love to do!